
Harding Township Recreation Association

Welcome to HTRA T-Ball!

Welcome to T-Ball 2025!  

Opening day is April 25.
Practices/games are held on Fridays at 5:30pm to 6:45pm at the Harding Township School athletic fields.  
Players will need a mitt, sneakers (cleats optional), T-Ball helmet.  Bats are provided, however, players may bring their own.  
T-Ball is for players in grades pre-K 4 through 1st grade.
We will provide Team t-shirt, Team hat, Team uniform pants and Team socks.
A Parent/Guardian is expected to stay at the fields during practice and game.

April 25 - Opening Day! Please arrive at the HTS Gym at 5:00pm. Uniform Distribution, Team and Individual Photos, Rules Review. No game or practice.
May 2, 9, 16, 22* (Thursday before Memorial Day)
May 30 & June 6 - Practice and Game and Trophy Day!
June 13 - Rain Date, if needed

Our HTRA T-Ball program is run entirely by volunteers.  In the past, we have had 2 parent coaches per team and 4 teams (subject to change based on number of players registered).  The quality of the experience is greatly improved when we have enough volunteers.  Please consider volunteering when registering your child.

Team Sponsors are welcome! The cost is $350, and your company logo and name are printed on uniform t-shirts.
Please contact Beatrice D'Errico, bsangosse@pdgbuilding.com if you would like to be a sponsor or coach.

Registration is open!
Registration is not active