Harding Township Recreation Association
We are excited for our 2025 season!
The HTDC includes campers from age 3 to 12, from 9:00-3:00. Half day options are available for our 3 and 4 year olds. While our camp is located at the Harding Township School, we use the facilities and transform them into a fun and interactive environment for all campers!
REGISTER HERE: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/469781
2025 Season:
Week 1: June 23-27
Week 2: July 30-3 (no camp 7/4)
Week 3: July 7-11
Week 4: July 14-18
Week 5: July 21-25
Activities include:
Outdoor sports: Campers are organized into games like kickball, capture the flag, gaga, and more!
Gym: basketball, scooters, floor hockey, etc.
Enrichment: Campers are encouraged to play board games, make friendship bracelets and show their individual creativity!
Arts & Crafts: Campers complete a craft almost every day of camp!
Camp Crafts: Even more creative fun using the outdoors as an inspiration!
Technology: Supervised time on the computer to play with your friends or challenge yourself
In addition, we offer water slides, inflatables, extra crafts, games, and playground time for all campers.
A Typical Camp Day:
9:00 Campers are dropped off to our administrative staff
9:10 - Counselors take each grade level to their first activity of the day.
10:00ish - snack (provided by parent)
12:00 lunch (brought from home)
3:00 dismissal to parents/guardians.
Polliwogs: Campers are age 3-4. The Polliwog program runs separately from the rest of the camp. The campers have arts & crafts, enrichment, playground and snack time in age-appropriate rooms and equipment. There is a full or half-day option.
Parents can register campers for as many weeks as they wish. We are very flexible with dates!
Blue Group: Campers entering Kindergarten.
Red: Campers entering 1st grade
Orange: Campers entering 2nd grade
Green: Campers entering 3rd grade
Purple: Campers entering 4th grade
Gold: Campers entering grades 5 and 6
Platinum: Campers entering grades 7 and 8
REGISTER HERE: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/469781
CIT - available to rising 8th graders if they wish. Please use regular Registration link.
Counselor registration opens March 1 and closes April 15. Please visit THIS LINK to apply.