Girls Lacrosse Grades 5-8

Harding Township Recreation Association

Welcome to Harding Madison Spring Girls Lacrosse!

Girls Lacrosse for grades 5 thru 8 is combined with Madison.

Registration and uniform orders are now open.

Please read below for all the details. Both registration and uniform orders will close on January 23rd.


The registration link is now open on Teamsnap and will remain open until January 23rd. Most of you are probably very familiar with Teamsnap but please take note of a few points unique to MGL:

- It is crucial that you update your daughters’ player profile so that it refects her proper age and school grade.

- Register your daughter as participant.

- Upon check out make sure you are paying the fee associated with your daughters current grade year.

- Every player is required to have a US Lacrosse number.  Teamsnap will direct you to their site. You have to come back to MGL registration manually in order to complete your registration.

If you are unsure as to whether or not you registered please check your email as the payment confirmation comes automatically from TeamSnap.

We have not yet shared practice schedules, coaches or field locations.  Look for an email from your team manager soon after registration closes.


All players in grades 5-8 will need a uniform.  See link below.

Returning players, if your uniform still fits no need to do anything else. If you need to order a different size please let your manager know. Your number has been blocked for you and will be released upon your request.

The uniform store will close on 1/23. We need to allow ample time for shipment due to potential supply chain issues. Please do not miss this window to order!

In lieu of our annual in person try on/swap…bins will be left outside of Kate McGinty’s home, 18 Beverly Rd, Madison 1/10-1/14 with all sample sizes and our swap inventory. Please leave your skirt and take one that fits if you are lucky enough to find one! Our swap inventory was depleted quickly last year. If you are an existing player who needs a bigger jersey and you are able to find one in the swap bin please check last year’s TeamSnap roster so you ensure you are not taking a duplicate number. Your team manager has access to the rosters as well if you need help.

Any questions please call Kate McGinty 917-991-9456.


MGL is on Instagram! Follow along for updates ahead of the season and highlights from this spring! Don’t forget to tag us too, @madisongirlslacrosse

Registration is open!
Registration is not active